
Commercial & Industrial Epoxy Flooring Solutions

Epoxy is a cost-effective and high-performance flooring investment that many commercial businesses use because of the coating’s durability, cleanliness, scratch and chemical resistance, and its appearance.

Epoxy flooring is used in industries beyond healthcare, food and drink service, retail, and educational facilities. Epoxy coatings work particularly well in commercial kitchens, warehouses, manufacturing facilities and many other high traffic areas.

An old and unprofessional floor in your business can decrease the appearance of your building and can even be bad for business. Not to mention, an old, cracked floor could have safety hazards for the employees and customers as well.

Epoxy flooring can withstand large large foot traffic and heavy machinery for years. Continuous usage won’t easily wear the surface down.

We happily serve businesses in San Jose and in the surrounding areas. Armor Coatings will help with long-lasting beautifully fortified floors for your business. Let us help make your floors as strong as your business.

What is Epoxy

Epoxy is a mix of resins, hardeners, chemicals, and water. Once mixed and applied, it bonds to the surface. It especially bonds well to wood, aluminum, glass, and concrete. The resin provides an enduring shine and the hardener makes the surface durable when it drys.


Cmmercial Epoxy Floor coating

The installation is a quick process. The base surface should be cleaned and smoothed out before workers install the epoxy. Minor cracks need to be repaired or filled in. Application only takes a few hours. The epoxy sets in 24 hours.

Epoxy is known as the most durable, long-lasting surface and it is routinely used in warehouses, factories, and hospitals. 

This surface is highly resistant to damages from scuffs, stains, chemical spills, and cracks. It also has low shrinkage and has low toxicity. This fortified coating can be as strong as 10,000 psi — standard concrete is only between 4,000 and 5,000 psi. 

Epoxy… enhancing the strength and life of existing concrete for years.


Hire the expert team at Armor Coatings today!

Wear Resistance Industrial Flooring Solutions

Commercial flooring can look pristine at first, but heavy traffic and spills wears it down quickly. Not with epoxy flooring.

The strong resistance of epoxy flooring makes it perfect for any commercial business. High-traffic stores flourish with this surface. Warehouses and businesses handling chemicals consider this flooring type the standard. With general janitorial maintenance and cleaning, an epoxy flooring will last for years and years to come.

Easy to Clean Industrial Floors

It is easy to maintain — a quick sweep or mop does the job. Some types of coating have antimicrobial properties, which is why it is commonly used in healthcare facilities, commercial kitchens, bathrooms, and even operating rooms.

Following proper sanitization procedures becomes easier with epoxy…

Commercial And Industrial Epoxy Flooring Contractor

Epoxy comes with a long list of benefits with durability and affordability at the forefront. At Armor Coatings we are well-seasoned in epoxy coatings. With customizable options, we can transform your business into whatever vision you may have. 

Contact us to find out what we can do for you, we are looking forward to hearing from you.


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We have been in the industry for 39 years; providing beautiful custom concrete overlays, decorative concrete staining and waterproofing for interiors and exteriors of homes and businesses.

Armor Coatings is run by true artists and we take the time to customize our products to suit our customer’s needs. From epoxy flooring to concrete artistry, Armor Coatings can transform any concrete pool deck, walkway, garage, or floor into something truly beautiful.

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